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Virtual Grow Space Consultation & Coaching (30 minutes)


Plants are creatures of their environment, which means that understanding your indoor environment is critical for success with houseplants. Unfortunately, most plant care tips and tricks fail to help you understand how to assess your space.

Now you can show me around your space and I’ll tell you exactly what kinds of plants will do well and which ones won’t!

Most importantly, I’ll coach you in the ways of plant parenthood. The internet is full of little fragments of knowledge but trying to make sense of it all will leave you with more questions than answers.

Let me guide you from my experience, which formed the foundation of my book ‘The New Plant Parent’ – it was specifically written for home-growers who want a lifelong relationship with plants, not just maintaining pieces of decor!

Let me help you make sense of plant care – your houseplants will LOVE you for it!


  • 30 minute video call via Skype/Hangouts
  • Scheduling via email
  • Space assessment (approx. 10 minutes)
  • Coaching and/or specific houseplant Q&A (approx. 20 minutes)
  • Follow-up email with recommendations