Why ‘overwatering’ is the worst concept in house plant care
The term ‘overwatering’ is stopping you from understanding house plant care…
The term ‘overwatering’ is stopping you from understanding house plant care…
Creating a fern garden inside my shower
My snake plants enjoy getting a shower outdoors on occasion. This time, I had the privilege of working with Lee Valley Tools to review their Hozelock Pico Reel – a compact sprayer, perfect for small spaces.
Installing a metal trellis to support your Monstera deliciosa.
Here are a few books that I’ve thoroughly enjoyed – they’ll inspire a sense of awe about the intelligence of plant life!
A post about my techniques and adventures with starting Oxalis triangularis from bulbs I purchased on eBay.
At some point, you’ll have to prune and propagate your plants. Here’s how to do it in style!
The plant nursery is a very different place compared to your home. Understanding these differences is the key to knowing how to care for your house plants.
A tour of Elspeth & Blake’s house plants.
I call this a vintage snake plant because I got it from an elderly lady who had received it as a propagation from her grandmother. So it is essentially a clone from the early 1900’s.
In the true spirit of ‘House Plant Journal’, here is a complete account of my relationship with my Monstera deliciosa:
For anyone who understands plant biology, this is a loaded question – read on to find out why…